99Vidas: il titolo annunciato ed in arrivo nei prossimi mesi su Nintendo Switch

Poche ore fa,  ha annunciato l’arrivo del suo titolo indipendente, 99Vidas, disponibile nel corso dei prossimi mesi sull’eShop di Nintendo Switch.

Il titolo beat ’em up 16bit, ispirato a titoli classici del genere come Final Fight e Double Dragon, arriverà tra il Q3 e Q4 2017 sul Nintendo eShop della nuova console della Casa di Kyoto.

Potete trovare il trailer e le informazioni sul titolo in questione, in calce all’articolo.

99Vidas captures the excitement of beat ’em ups like Final Fight, Double Dragon, Battletoads, Golden Axe and Streets of Rage featuring 16-bit retro graphics to bring back the nostalgia of those great classics from the 80’s and 90’s.

Unlike more traditional Beat’Em Ups, 99Vidas features two attack buttons – Punch (fast but weak) and Kick (slow but strong), which players can alternate to perform different combos.

Character moves, including combos, can be upgraded by spending Experience Points acquired during gameplay, expanding damage inflicted, adding elemental damage, modifying the each character, both visually and gameplay-wise.

Key Features
Up to 4 players co-op
11 Playable characters
Story Mode with 6 levels
2 Bonus Levels
Versus Mode
Survival Mode
6 Challenging Boss Fights
Multiple Upgradable skills
Multiple Weapons and Special Attacks

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